Selected Anthologies

Plume proves once more that poetry is essential to our lives, and that “men die miserably every day / for lack / of what is found there.”
—Grace Schulman
Days of Clear Light (Salmon Poetry)
Dead and Undead Poems: Zombies, Ghosts, Vampires and Devils (Everyman’s Library)
Intimacy: An Anthology (Jacar Press)
Pratik: The Ghosts of Paradise – Special Los Angeles Double Issue
Pratik: Celebrating Baudelaire 200 Years
Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond
Rubicon: Words and Art inspired by Oscar Wilde’s Profundis
Van Gogh’s Ear – Volume 9 (The Original Van Gogh’s Ear)
Spirit of the Horse: An Equine Anthology
Near Kin: Words and Art Inspired by Octavia E. Butler
Thrush Poetry Journal: an Anthology of the first two years
For Rhino in a Shrinking World
From the Four Chambered Heart: In tribute to Anais Nin
Poems With Heart: A Heartfelt Anthology
Anthesis: 9th International English Poetry Collection
Synthesis: Duet Poets – 8th International Anthology

RESISTENCIA: Poems of Protest and Revolution (Tin House Books, 2020) —Editors Mark Eisner, Tina Escaja
MANOA: A Pacific Journal of International Writing: Tyranny Lessons (2020) —Editors Frank Stewart, Ming Di
MANOA: A Pacific Journal of International Writing: Displaced Lives (2020) —Editors Frank Stewart, Ming Di
Poetry International 25/26 (2019) —Editor Ilya Kaminsky
The Plume Anthology of Poetry 6
Nasty Women Poets: An Unapologetic Anthology of Subversive Verse —Editors Grace Bauer and Julie Kane
The Plume Anthology of Poetry 5
Red Sky / Poetry on the Global Epidemic of Violence Against Women
Poetry has the ability both to heal and to help us begin to understand. It is through this understanding and these voices that we hope to affect change. Proceeds for Red Sky will be directed to the Global Fund for Women.
Every shattered home, every story worth telling. —Naomi Shihab Nye
Even the Daybreak: 35 Years of Salmon Poetry
Like the sea-run Steelhead salmon that thrashes upstream to its spawning ground, then instead of dying, returns to the sea — Salmon Poetry brings precious cargo to both Ireland and America in the poetry it publishes, then carries that select work to its readership against incalculable odds.
—Tess Gallagher
The Plume Anthology of Poetry 4
A remarkably and deliciously eclectic collection, Plume 4 gives a wonderful sense of just how far the definition of poetry can stretch, and how much territory it can cover—and uncover. The editor has a keen sense for living language and, through all this diversity, there runs a vibrant thread, a vivid pulse, a raw edge that is life itself.
—Cole Swensen
The Plume Anthology of Poetry 3
Plume is one of the most exciting, eclectic gatherings of writers on the web. Editor Daniel Lawless has a knack for putting together voices that create surprising neighborhoods of words, related in complex ways that only gradually reveal themselves. It’s one of very few webzines that I always read. —Chase Twichell
What a wonderful diversity of voices, songs, laments, lyric utterances. I really admire the variety of new, emerging poets within this collection as well as new presentation of already familiar voices. I love how this book draws on the tradition—and expands it—with energy, with gusto, with passion. A marvelous anthology —Ilya Kaminsky
Poetry International 18/19 (2012)
First love, enduring love; the witness, the stoic, the companion, the protector, the better part of us, the abiding presence, the warrior, the survivor, the guardian angel. Here is a big book of many poems
Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology
First love, enduring love; the witness, the stoic, the companion, the protector, the better part of us, the abiding presence, the warrior, the survivor, the guardian angel. Here is a big book of many poems, all inspired, devoted, motivated by a sacred bond that happens, the supreme privilege, that something far bigger than romance – a relationship with a dog… —Eileen Battersby, The Irish Times
Illuminations: Expressions of the Spiritual Experience
Illuminations helps the reader move past understanding to empathy, which is the way to peace.
—Jody Williams, 1997 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate