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I now wear the memory of nothingness
a piece of white sail
wrapped like second skin.

—Life in Suspension 

Publications in Literary Journals


The dream opens forgotten realms of creation.
I think that’s what time is.                                                Pathway to Gifts 

I hear my mother’s voice echo  
you’re all the sunlight
that’s ever been in my life.

—C’est Comme Ça

I become ocean, mercury, silver
shimmers, fairy tales, fascinated.

—A Mind Like Lightning

look at the other side of the world
as if a deck of cards spread out                             to peek under and flip over                                     for a glimpse at the hidden side.

—Dreaming My Animal Selves



The spokes of the wheel loosen
amidst thoughts like windstorms
containing all of humanity

                           —Winter Horse

I map the mathematical universe, forge
equations into stellar winds…


Spellbound in From the Fishouse

C’est Comme Ça in Poetic Diversity

Galactic Architect, Twisting the Moon, in Asian Signature

Dancing the Dream in TRUCK

From the Heart with Grace in The Toronto Quarterly

Heliotropic, Illumination, Let the Rain Go Through in Levure Littéraire

In the Nothingness in Asian Signature

All the Sweetness in the World in Exquisite Duets

Inquisitive Life in Pirene’s Fountain

A Mind Like the SkyNight MessengerDreams Like Water in Thrush Poetry Journal

Three poems in Poetry Salzburg Review

Two poems in The Más Tequila Review 

Ex Tempore in California Quarterly

DoveTales, An International Journal of the Arts “Nature”

Supernova, Binding the Rain, in Mad Hatters’ Review


I pursue elusive sleep
for a place to heal mishaps
the last place to anchor my boat.

                       —Dreams Like Water

You listen to the silence
drawn on the ashes of ancient sacrifices.

—Low Altitude

Circe, you recognize, you decipher
Enigmas and the color of the omen.
I always await the revelation.
I am among those who believe in magic.

                            —José Manuel Cardona

 Much gratitude to the following journals for publishing Hélène’s work:

Agenda Poetry; AGNI; Anastamos; Anomaly; Asian Signature; Askew Poetry; Asymptote Journal; Backstory JournalBarnwood International Poetry Magazine; Blue Fifth Review; California State Poetry Quarterly; Cha: An Asian Literary Journal; Colorado Review; Connotation Press: An Online Artifact; DoveTales Literary Journal; Drunken BoatDublin Poetry Review; Dublin Review of BooksEast West: A Poetry Annual; Edgar Allan Poet; Exchanges Literary JournalFjords Review; Francopolis; From the Fishouse; Fulcrum: An Anthology of Poetry and AestheticsHayden’s Ferry Review; jmww; InTranslation; Knot Magazine; Levure Litteraire; Mad Hatters’ Review; Maintenant; MĀNOA: A Pacific Journal of International WritingMediterranean PoetryMom Egg Review; Mythic Passages; National Translation Month; OneOn the Seawall: Other Terrain JournalPeriódico de Poesía; Pirene’s Fountain; Plume Poetry; Poetic Diversity; Poetry East-West; Poetry International; Pratik A Magazine of Contemporary Writingqarrtsiluni; Recours au Poème; Saint Julian Press; Salzburg Poetry Review; Speechless the Magazine; Spillway; TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics; Taos Journal of Poetry & Art; A Journal of the Built & Natural Environments; The BeZineThe American Journal of Poetry; The Blue Max Review; The Brooklyn Rail; The Creative Process, The Enchanting Verses Literary ReviewGargoyle Magazine; The High Window; The Irish Literary Times; The Lascaux Review; The London Magazine; The Los Angeles Review; The Markaz Review, The Más Tequila Review; The Original Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology; The Passionate Transitory; The Poet by Day; The Poetry Bus; The Toronto Quarterly; The Warwick Review; THRUSH Poetry Journal; Tiferet: A Journal of Spiritual Literature; Truck; Verse Daily; Washington Square Review; Waxwing Literary Journal; World Literature Today; Writer’s Digest.

Poetry is language for the ineffable. Mysticism constitutes the experience of what transcends us while inhabiting us. Poetry, as creation, borders on it. It is metaphysical. It offers a new vision of the universe, reveals the soul’s secrets and mysteries.

To be a poet is not my ambition,
    It’s simply my way of being alone.
                                                                      —Fernando Pessoa
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