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       DreamWork and Astrology

Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.  ―Rumi

The Search for Fulfillment
and the Evolution of Consciousness

Harold Gaze

Dreams provide insight into the personal
and archetypal dimensions of the unconscious.
Astrology reflects the cycles in our life, planets, and world.
Both help us integrate our conscious and unconscious selves
so we can explore our path, gain self-insight
and wisdom, and fulfill ourselves.


Dream work and astrology are transformative
and nourish understanding and healing.
They are medicine for the soul.
In the dream we are connected to our inner self and to the divine.
We experience the dream’s intelligence and the world psyche.
Everything in the universe is connected.

As a plant produces its flower, so the psyche creates its symbols. Every dream is evidence of this process.
  ―Carl Jung

Hélène trained with many teachers and shamans, notably Dr. Alberto Villoldo (The Four Winds Society), Dr. Stephen Aizenstat (Dream Tending, Pacifica Graduate Institute), Eileen McCabe, Sandra Seacat, and Tineke Noordegraaf and Rob Bontenbal (using the holographic model of reincarnation therapy). Hélène received her Masters from the Sorbonne, Paris, where she wrote her thesis on Henry James (The Search for Fulfillment).

              The soul should always stand ajar,
                  ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. 
                            ―Emily Dickinson


Edwin Howland Blashfield - Spring Scattering

     Come into my lap and sit in the center of your soul. Drink the living waters of memory and give birth to yourself. What you unearth will stun you. You will paint the walls of this cave in thanksgiving.                                                                                                    ―Meinrad Craighead


Inside, you’ve got heaven and earth, and all of creation.                                      You’re a world—everything is hidden in you.                                                               ―Hildegarde of Bingen

         From my weakness, I drew strength that never left me.                                                                              ―Jorge Luis Borges 

                        The unconscious depends on our participation to produce its healing forces.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Marie Louise Von Franz

We do not stare at scars, which are places where the soul has struggled to leave and been forced back, closed up, sewn in. ― J.M. Coetzee

Something Else by Frama

   animae mundi colendae gratia                                                                                                                                                                 for the sake of tending soul in and of the world

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